PhoA Help System

Edit pictures dialog :: Keywords

Each picture maintains a keywords list among its data. As a rule this is a list of persons, subject or events on a photograph.

The advantage of keywords compared to plain text is that you dont have to type them - they can be selected from the list. Moreover, you may want to build a view on them, and watch the line changing year to year (by the way, a highly interesting observation). And finally, the keyword list shows number of images a particular keyword linked to.

Keyword list

This list displays all the keywords encountered in open photo album pictures. Grayed text in the parentheses right to the keyword is a total number of the keyword occurences.

If a keyword is contained in some of the selected pictures the keyword will be checked (fully checked if the keyword is present at all of the selected pictures, and grayed, depending on checkbox style, if the keyword is contained not in all selected pictures), and there will be two numbers in the parens delimited with slash: first one is the number of selected pictures used the keyword, second is a total number of occurences.

If a keyword is contained in none of the selected pictures, the checkbox will remain unchecked.

As long as keywords are compared case-insensitively, the program makes do distinction between qwerty and QwErTy.

You can also add keywords here. For you to distinct between existing and new keywords they are painted differently:

  • Already existing keywords wear a key icon and are drawn using black font.
  • Newly added keywords have an asterisk icon and are drawn with navy font.

Keyword operations

Using this page you may freely alter the keyword list for the selected pictures by using the tool panel buttons.

NB: the same operations are accessible through the popup menu appearing on right mouse click.


Checked only When on (the button appears depressed), the list displays only checked keywords, otherwise the whole keyword list is displayed. This switch affects only keyword visibility, and doesn't modify the keyword list itself.
Add Adds a new keyword to the list, checks it and starts editing it. If you decide not to remove the check when you click OK the keyword will be added to all the selected pictures.
Edit Enters keyword editing mode. Notes:
  • The keyword will be replaced only for selected pictures already having it.
  • If a keyword is contained by none of the selected pictures (the were no keyword checkmark) then the keyword will remain unchanged.
  • If a keyword becomes checked then new keyword will be added to all of the selected pictures not contained old one before.
  • If a keyword becomes unchecked then old keyword will be simply removed from selected pictures containing it.
NB: you can also start keyword editing by clicking with mouse on already selected keyword.
Check all Checks all the keywords in the list.
Uncheck all Unchecks all the keywords.
Invert Toggles checks for all the keywords.
NB: Where is Delete button? There's no Delete button by design: if you want to delete a keyword from the pictures, simply uncheck it.

This operation supports undo

See also:

Picture data
Browse mode
Working in the browse mode